CYBATHLON – moves people and technology

The CYBATHLON provides a unique platform to advance research and development in the field of assistive technology for everyday use and to promote dialogue with the public on the inclusion of people with disabilities.

Under the umbrella of ETH Zurich, the CYBATHLON is operated as a non-profit project. The main component of the platform is a fascinating competition in which people with disabilities compete in completing tasks relevant to everyday life using state-of-the-art artificial and technical assistance systems. Get to know the CYBATHLON disciplines, test your dexterity in operating an artificial arm or measure the power of your thoughts in the virtual race with mind control.

At Scientifica 2021 you will learn more about the possibilities and limits of technical assistance systems and which technologies are already contributing to a world that includes more and more people with disabilities in everyday life.

Trying things out for yourself is expressly encouraged: test your dexterity with a prosthetic arm or experience the power of your own thoughts in a virtual game with mind control. In the near future, this technology will enable people with limited mobility to control devices such as computers, smart homes or a wheelchair.

The first CYBATHLON took place in 2016 and received worldwide attention. In November 2020, despite the worldwide pandemic, the CYBATHLON 2020 Global Edition took place in the form of a global event with worldwide venues. The third edition of the CYBATHLON will take place in 2024. Along the way, the CYBATHLON is traveling internationally with different event formats and projects to further move people and technology and contribute to inclusion.